Why Choose Us?
A Place to Shine
Hutton Pre-school has been part of the Hutton Community since the 1960's. The preschool moved to its current location in Willowbrook Community Hall in 2012.
Hutton Preschool is now owned and managed by a primary school teacher and a level 3 practitioner. The team of highly qualified practitioners have been part of Hutton Pre-school for many years, some of them over a decade. The commitment of our staff is something we feel proud of and this enables us to build a high quality early years setting, where we can provide children with the best start to their educational journey.
We have a strong ethos of building resilience, determination and developing problem solving skills sending children off to school ready and able to learn.
All activities are carefully designed to nurture emotional, social and intellectual growth, all through a play based curriculum.
*Ofsted no: EY438760

Contact Us
Willowbrook Hall
Rosen Crescent
United Kingdom
CM13 2TU